As "best of 2012" year-end music lists appear online I will aggregate them as I have in past years, updating the master list daily.
If you post or see an online 2012 music list on a blog, newspaper, magazine, or other media site that isn't listed, please feel free to e-mail me the link or leave a comment.
The Master List of 2012 Year-End Online Music Lists
Daily updates to the master list
Revisit the lists for 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, 2000-2009 (best of the decade lists), and 2010, and 2011.
Today's updates to the 2012 Year-End Online Music Lists:
Analog's Anonymous (best albums)
Armchair Musician (top albums)
Blast Beats and Silver Screens (top albums)
Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs (top albums)
Charlie Griggs the Writer (top mainstream hip-hop albums)
Chill Music Every Day (top albums)
Cine-Mac (best albums)
Galactictides (favourite albums)
Heavy Planet (top albums)
I Witness (favorite albums)
I'm Dan F'n Vanderpool (favorite albums)
Keeping Score (favorite songs)
LSMedia (best albums)
Mostly Junk Food (top songs)
Nerdy Pop (best songs)
Oh No. It's Emily! (top albums)
Only the Tip (top rap albums)
Pullen My Blog (favorite albums)
Rocman Design (best album cover art)
Rox Fontaine (top indie albums)
Sloucher (best albums)
The Soundtrack of My Life (favorite albums)
themusicedition (favorite albums)
We All Want Someone To Shout For (best songs)
WXDU (best albums)
also at Largehearted Boy:
daily updates to the master list
2012 Year-End Online Music Lists
2011 Year-End Online Music Lists
2010 Year-End Online Music Lists
2009 Year-End Online Music Lists
2008 Year-End Online Music Lists
2007 Year-End Online Music Lists
2006 Year-End Online Music Lists
Best of the Decade (2000-2009) Music Lists
Online "Best Books of 2012" Lists
Online "Best Books of 2011" Lists
Online "Best Books of 2010" Lists
Online "Best Books of 2009" Lists
Online "Best Books of 2008" Lists
Best of the Decade (2000-2009) Online Book Lists
other lists at Largehearted Boy
100 Online Sources for Free and Legal Music Downloads
Daily Downloads (free & legal mp3 downloads)
Book Notes (authors create playlists for their book)
Note Books (musicians discuss literature)
musician/author interviews